Refund Policy

Damages and issues
Please inspect your order upon receipt and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item so that we can evaluate the situation. You will need to provide photos and/or video proof of any damage or other issues if the package did not appear to have been tampered with from the outside. If there is a problem due to the construction, the issue will be assessed. If the issue was due to the handling by the shipping partner, you will need to contact them to file a claim and/or request a refund.


Returns are not accepted, even forced (packages marked return to sender) returns. All products are custom-made (this is not the same as made-to-order customs) and cannot be exchanged or replaced.


There are no refunds. If an item was damaged during shipping, you will need to contact the shipping partner to file a claim. We will also not refund if you have ordered under the incorrect address. If the address was wrong, and the package is returned, we will contact you and make one last attempt to ship to the correct address. If the second attempt fails, we will not try again and the items will be returned to the website listings.