
Nothing is ever completely perfect, and that goes for bags! Some people treat their bags with the utmost care as if they are carrying paper-thin glass, while others treat bags as if they are indestructible. The fact is, every bag can have an accident, or an oopsie. All Hollow Bag Creations bags are handmade, and many steps are taken to ensure that each bag is built to last. But that doesn't mean that they will.

There is a 60 day warranty on each bag, as long as it remains with the original owner/purchaser. If at any time you have damage such as handles falling off, or stitches coming apart, I will make free repairs within the 60 days only. If the damage to the bag is beyond regular wear and tear or an initial construction error, you may have to pay for new materials if I am able to get my hands on them. Keep in mind that some fabrics are unique to specific businesses that may no longer carry them, which means they will not be available, so I wouldn't be able to replace/repair some pieces with the exact same materials. In this case, I would let you know before accepting the repair.

Canadian guests, please keep in mind how costly shipping is from the US to you and vise versa. You would have to pay those costs twice if you need me to do any repairs in the future.

How to go about your repair:

1. You must first contact me (see contact page) with your order date and photos of the damage so that I can assess the situation.

2. If I accept the repair, you must pay to ship (with tracking) the bag back to me for the repairs.

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If your bag is LESS than 60 days old from the original purchase date, AND you are the original owner/purchaser:

-General construction repairs (issues that occurred due to the way that the item was created) will be at no cost to you, but you will be responsible for shipping both ways.

-If the damage is beyond construction issues, as in, you caused the damage (ie: a large piece of vinyl has been cut or snagged, and ripped away from the bag, or you've been carrying around bricks and the handles broke) you will be responsible for the cost of replacement materials as well as shipping both ways.

If your bag is LESS than 60 days old from the original purchase date, AND you are NOT the original owner/purchaser:

You will be responsible for any and all costs associated with the repair, including shipping the bag both ways.